
Last Gathering before WAR 6


After class dismissed, we went Blogger for last gathering
ONLINE going back hometown tomorrow
So we meet at there before she back
We chatting about the trip at Penang yesterday
A lot of funny things and we so happy, laughing

After that we went to Juru
To Uncle’s house
But not find him also
Meet with her sis for going pasar malam
So long time din walked in pasar malam
But JUN MEI always bully me when we walking
And keeps bullying me and not the others
Just me nia
GIN NA really GIN NA nia

After buying dinner we sent her back to her house and we back d
Oh no it’s raining again
Fern sent us back and back home d
Gambateh and add oil together to get good result in STPM
The WAR begin d
Fight for STPM

